
Professor: Katsuyuki Yui
Professor: Katsuyuki Yui
Katsuyuki Yui, M.D. Ph.D.

1. Malaria immunology
  We employ a mouse malaria model to study T-cell immune regulation during malaria infection and identify vaccine candidate antigens expressed in liver as well as blood stage malaria. We have shown that recombinant antigens that are conjugated to mouse hsc70 are presented via the MHC class I-pathway and can efficiently induce antigen-specific CD8+ T-cells. We applied this method to show that MSP1, one of the leading vaccine candidate antigens, can confer protective immunity during the liver stage of malaria.

2. The role of IRF-4 in the regulation of the immune system
  IRF-4 is a transcription factor expressed specifically in lymphocytes and macrophage/dendritic cells and plays a critical role in both innate and adaptive immunity. We found that IRF-4 is critical for the development of CD4+ T-cells to the Th2 lineage. We have also found that IRF-4 is expressed in a restricted lineage of dendritic cells and plays an important role in their development. This project is performed in collaboration with Prof. T. Matsuyama, Division of Cytokine signaling.

3. Molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of T-cell unresponsiveness
  We investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of T-cell immune responses. We induce T-cell unresponsiveness in T-cell receptor transgenic mice and investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying T-cell unresponsiveness in vivo. We have identified a molecule that is specifically expressed in anergic T-cells and regulates T-cell activation.

4. The molecular mechanisms of antigen presentation
  We study the role of molecular chaperones, such as heat-shock protein, in antigen presentation in collaboration with Dr. Udono, RIKEN (associate professor of the division in the past).