- Yamamoto Y, Izumikawa K, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Kurihara S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Tsukamoto M, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Yasuoka A, Kohno S: Prospective randomized comparison study of piperacillin/tazobactam and meropenem for healthcare-associated pneumonia in Japan. J Infect Chemother. 19: 291-298, 2013
- Kohno S, Izumikawa K, Yoshida M, Takesue Y, Oka S, Kamei K, Miyazaki Y, Yoshinari T, Kartsonis NA, Niki Y: A double-blind comparative study of the safety and efficacy of caspofungin versus micafungin in the treatment of candidiasis and aspergillosis. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 32: 387-397, 2013
- Hosogaya N, Miyazaki T, Nagi M, Tanabe K, Minematsu A, Nagayoshi Y, Yamauchi S, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Miyazaki Y, Kugiyama K, Kohno S: The heme-binding protein Dap1 links iron homeostasis to azole resistance via the P450 protein Erg11 in Candida glabrata. FEMS Yeast Res. 13: 411-421, 2013
- Nagaoka K, Yanagihara K, Harada Y, Yamada K, Migiyama Y, Morinaga Y, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Nishimura M, Kohno S: Macrolides inhibit Fusobacterium nucleatum-induced MUC5AC production in human airway epithelial cells. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57: 1844-1849, 2013
- Mihara T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Ngamskulrungroj P, Umeyama T, Takazono T, Tashiro M, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Ohno H, Yamamoto Y, Yanagihara K, Miyazaki Y, Kohno S: Multilocus sequence typing of Cryptococcus neoformans in non-HIV associated cryptococcosis in Nagasaki, Japan. Med Mycol. 51: 252-260, 2013
- Harada Y, Yanagihara K, Yamada K, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Hasegawa H, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Kohno S: In vivo efficacy of daptomycin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a mouse model of hematogenous pulmonary infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57: 2841-2844, 2013
- Tanaka A, Nakamura S, Seki M, Fukudome K, Iwanaga N, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Kohno S: Toll-like receptor 4 agonistic antibody promotes innate immunity against severe pneumonia induced by coinfection with influenza virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 20: 977-985, 2013
- Kaku N, Yanagihara K, Morinaga Y, Izumikawa K, Nagashima S, Kakeya H, Yamamoto Y, Fukuda M, Takatani H, Fukuda M, Hashiguchi K, Kohno S: The definition of healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) is insufficient for the medical environment in Japan: a comparison of HCAP and nursing and healthcare-associated pneumonia (NHCAP). J Infect Chemother. 19: 70-76, 2013
- Migiyama Y, Kaneko Y, Yanagihara K, Morohoshi T, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Miyazaki T, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Kohrogi H, Kohno S: Efficacy of AiiM, an N-acylhomoserine lactonase, against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a mouse model of acute pneumonia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57: 3653-3658, 2013
- Yamada K, Yanagihara K, Kaku N, Harada Y, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Hasegawa H, Mikamo H, Kohno S: Azithromycin attenuates lung inflammation in a mouse model of ventilator associated pneumonia by multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57: 3883-3888, 2013
- Iwanaga N, Fukuda Y, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Soda H, Tashiro T, Kohno S: Necrotizing pneumonia due to femoral osteomyelitis caused by community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Intern Med. 52: 1531-1536, 2013
- Tashiro T, Izumikawa K, Tashiro M, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Kakeya H, Yamamoto Y, Yanagihara K, Hayashi T, Nagayasu T, Kohno S: A case series of chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis and a new proposal. Jpn J Infect Dis. 66: 312-316, 2013
- Yamada K, Yanagihara K, Kaku N, Harada Y, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Hasegawa H, Yasuoka A, Kohno S. In vivo efficacy of biapenem with ME1071, a novel metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) inhibitor, in a murine model mimicking ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by MBL-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 42: 238-243, 2013
- Takazono T, Izumikawa K, Suyama N, Kohno S. Cavitary pulmonary metastases and aspergillosis: an autopsy case. Intern Med. 52: 1751-1752, 2013
- Morinaga Y, Yanagihara K, Gyotoku H, Oshima K, Izumikawa K, Yamasaki N, Kakeya, H, Hayashi T, Fukuoka J, Nagayasu T, Kohno S: Pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm caused by Streptococcus constellatus. Int J Infect Dis 17: e1064-1066, 2013
- Nagaoka K, Yanagihara K, Harada Y, Yamada K, Migiyama Y, Morinaga Y, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Nakashima M, Nishimura M, Kohno S: Establishment of a new murine model of liver abscess induced by Fusobacterium necrophorum injected into the caudal vein. J Med Microbiol 62: 1755-1759, 2013
- Harada Y, Morinaga Y, Yamada K, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Uno N, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Kohno S: Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Extended-Spectrum β-lactamase- Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia Coli in a Japanese Tertiary Hospital. J Med Microb Diagn 2: 3, 2013
- Miyazaki T, Nakayama H, Nagayoshi Y, Kakeya H, Kohno S: Dissection of Ire1 functions reveals stress response mechanisms uniquely evolved in Candida glabrata. PLoS Pathog. 9(1): e1003160, 2013
- 井上祐一,平山達朗,近藤 晃,泊 慎也,宮崎泰可,泉川公一,掛屋 弘,山本善裕,栁原克紀,田代隆良,河野 茂:肺炎球菌感染を併発したインフルエンザ肺炎に,脳梁膨大部病変を伴う脳症を合併した1成人例.感染症学雑誌 87: 451-456, 2013
- 三原 智,崎村直史,中島悠史郎,矢加部和明,小森宗治,泉川卓也,原 耕平,泉川欣一,西野友哉,泉川公一,河野 茂,林 洋子,下川 功:ANCA関連腎炎における肺病変の検討.長崎医学会雑誌 88(3): 165-169, 2013
- 泉川公一,田代将人,河野 茂:薬剤耐性アスペルギルスの現状,耐性獲得機序と今後.日本化学療法学会雑誌 61: 149-156, 2013
- 平野勝治,泉川公一,河野 茂:重症・難治性肺炎治療へのアプローチ 重症非定型肺炎の病態と治療プロセス-2 肺炎マイコプラズマ.感染と抗菌薬 16: 157-163, 2013
- 小佐井康介,泉川公一,河野 茂:画像から読み解く肺炎の病態・診断・治療 マイコプラズマ肺炎.呼吸器内科 24: 21-26, 2013
- 武田和明,泉川公一,河野 茂:シリーズ・検査法 解説 肺炎球菌の抗原検出.感染症内科 1: 196-199, 2013
- 吉田將孝,泉川公一:シリーズ よく使う日常治療薬の正しい使い方 呼吸器内科における抗真菌薬の使い方〜適応疾患,投与量,副作用・相互作用を理解する〜.レジデントノート 15: 1735-1739, 2013
- 小佐井康介,泉川公一,河野 茂:特集 画像から読み解く肺炎の病態・診断・治療,マイコプラズマ肺炎.呼吸器内科 24: 21-26, 2013
- 中村茂樹,河野 茂:高齢者と肺炎. 臨床と微生物 40(6): 21-26, 2013.
- 田中章貴,中村茂樹:呼吸器感染症と感染対策③インフルエンザ,臨床看護 39(3): 300-304, 2013.
- 中村茂樹,河野 茂:世界におけるわが国の結核疫学の特徴,治療 95: 1136-1140, 2013.
- 吉田將孝,泉川公一:Ⅴ.真菌感染症3.クリプトコックス症 (感染症症候群(第2版)—症候群から感染性単一疾患までを含めて— 上 病原体別感染症編 別冊日本臨牀 新領域別症候群シリーズ,日本臨牀社,大阪,pp. 572-577所収)2013
- 宮崎泰可,河野 茂:肺炎(永井良三,大田健(編):今日の治療と看護(改訂第3版),南江堂,東京,pp. 351-357所収)2013
- 宮崎泰可,河野 茂:岩波生物学辞典(第5版)(巌佐 庸,倉谷 滋,斎藤成也,塚谷裕一(編):岩波生物学辞典,岩波書店,東京)2013
- 中村茂樹,河野 茂:NHCAPガイドライン.(呼吸器疾患最新の治療2013-2015,南江堂,東京, pp. 16-22所収)2013.
- 中村茂樹,河野 茂:感染部位別 抗菌薬の選び方と使い方 (1.肺炎,本当に使える! 抗菌薬の選び方・使い方ハンドブック,羊土社,東京,pp. 198-217所収)2013.
- 中村茂樹.急性気管支炎,今日の処方 (改訂第5版,南江堂,東京,pp. 698-703所収)2013.
- 中村茂樹,河野 茂:第4章 主要疾患—病態・診断・治療 感染性肺疾患 (1.ウイルス性肺疾患,別冊医学のあゆみ 呼吸器疾患ver. 6,医歯薬出版,東京,pp. 147-150 所収)2013.
- 泉川公一:地域流行型真菌症の疫学調査,診断治療法の開発に関する研究,生体側の因子に関する研究/診断応用研究.厚生労働科学研究費補助金(新型インフルエンザ等新興・再興感染症研究事業)平成24年度総括・分担研究報告書,厚生労働省,pp. 26-31, 2013
- 石黒 洋,山本明子,中莖みゆき,成瀬 達,吉村邦彦,菊田和宏,正宗 淳,下瀬川徹,新井勝大,泉川公一,今井博則,景山さち子,加藤忠明,漢人直之,慶長直人,洪 繁,小島大英,坂本 修,佐藤陽子,眞田幸広,清水真樹,少路誠一,相馬義郎,東馬智子,藤木理代,柳元孝介:難治性膵疾患に関する調査研究 Ⅲ.膵囊胞線維症 1共同研究プロジェクト 1膵囊胞線維症(囊胞性線維症CF)登録制度 厚生労働科学研究費補助金難治性疾患等克服研究事業(難治性疾患克服研究事業)平成24年度 総括・分担研究報告書,:厚生労働省, pp. 225-247, 2013
- 23rd ECCMID (ベルリン) Morinaga Y, Yanagihara K, Kaku N, Harada Y, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H and Kohno S: The characteristics of experimentally-induced MRSA small colony variants from clinical blood isolates.
- 23rd ECCMID (ベルリン) Kaku N, Yanagihara K, Harada Y, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Yamada K, Morinaga Y, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H and Kohno S: Effect of linezolid on MUC5AC expression induced by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in human airway epithelial cells.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Migiyama Y, Yanagihara K, Kaku N, Harada Y, Yamada K, Nagaoka K, Morinaga Y, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H and Kohno S: Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia in immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients; impact of initial antibiotic therap on survival.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Kaku N, Yanagihara K, Morinaga Y, Harada Y, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Yamada K, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H and Kohno S: Effect of linezolid on MUC5AC expression induced by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a human airway epithelial cell.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Harada Y, Yanagihara K, Kaku N, Migiyama Y, Nagaoka K, Yamada K, Morinaga Y, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H and Kohno S: Clinical and molecular epidemiology of ESBL producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in a Tertiary Hospital.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Nagaoka K, Yanagihara K, Harada Y, Yamada K, Migiyama Y, Morinaga Y, Hasegawa H, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H and Kohno S: Prevotella intermedia induce severe bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia in murine with up-regulating platelet-activating receptor.
- 53rd ICAAC (デンバー) Harada Y, Morinaga Y, Kaku N, Akamatsu N, Matsuda J, Uno N, Hasegawa H, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Izumikawa K, Kohno S and Yanagihara K: In vitro and in vivo activities of piperacillin-tazobactam and meropenem in different inoculum sizes of ESBLKlebsiella pneumoniae.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Izumikawa K and Kohno S: The management of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and azole resistance.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Izumikawa K, Tashiro T, Tashiro M, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Kakeya H, Hayashi T, Yanagihara K, Nagayasu T and Kohno S: Pathological and clinical analysis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Izumikawa K: Topics of pulmonary aspergillosis.
- 18th APSR (横浜) Izumikawa K: Postgraduate Course 3, Recent Trends and New Insights in Respiratory Infection - Focusing on Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Treatment- Fungal Infection.
- 18th APSR (横浜) Honda N, Yoshida M, Hirano K, Takazono T, Kosai K, Morinaga Y, Kurihara S, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Tsukamoto M, Izumikawa K, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T and Kohno S: A case of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection in a relapsing polychondritis patient.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Takeda K. Imamura Y, Ide S, Takazono T, Kosai K, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Kurihara S, Tsukamoto M, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T, Kangawa K and Kohno S: Effect of ghrelin for prevention in murine invasive pulmonary aspergillosis model.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Hirano K, Izumikawa K, Kosai K, Morinaga Y, Kurihara S, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Tsukamoto M, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T and Kohno S: Efficacy of Antifungal Therapy with Inhaled Azole against Murine Invasive Pulmonary Aspelgillosis with Itraconazole-Low Susceptible Aspergillus fumigatus.
- 5th Congress of Asia Pacific Society of Medical Mycology (成都) Hirano K, Izumikawa K, Kosai K, Morinaga Y, Kurihara S, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Tsukamoto M, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T and Kohno S: Efficacy of Inhaled Itraconazole against Murine Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis with Itraconazole Low- Susceptible Aspergillus fumigatus.
- 53rd ICAAC (デンバー) Hirano K, Izumikawa K, Takazono T, Kosai K, Morinaga Y, Kurihara S, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Tsukamoto M, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T and Kohno S: Efficacy of Antifungal Therapy with Inhaled Itraconazole against Murine Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis with Itraconazole-Low Susceptible Aspergillus fumigatus.
- 23rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ベルリン) Iwanaga N, Nakamura S, Kajihara T, Tanaka A, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T and Kohno S: Acquisition of Yersiniabactin production in Klebsiella pneumoniae infection: a risk factor for mortality and influence on clinical outcome.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Iwanaga N, Nakamura S, Kajihara T, Tanaka A, Imamura Y, Miyazaki T, Izumikawa K, Kakeya H, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T, Sunazuka T, Omura S and Kohno S:The potency of a new erythromycin (EM) derivative, EM900, to reduce the density of the nasopharyngeal Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization in mice (poster)
- 53rd ICAAC (デンバー) Iwanaga N, Nakamura S, Kajihara T, Takazono T, Imamura Y, Izumikawa K, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T, Sunazuka T, Omura S and Kohno S: The potency of macrolides to promote host innate immunity and reduce the density of the pneumococcal nasopharyngeal colonization in mice.
- 28th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (横浜) Nagayoshi Y, Miyazaki T, Minematsu A, Hosogaya N, Morinaga Y, Nakamura S, Imamura Y, Izumikawa K, Kakeya K, Yanagihara K, Tashiro T, Kohno S: Unexpected effects of the monoamine oxidase A inhibitor clorgyline on antifungal susceptibility of Candida glabrata.
- 第28回日本環境感染学会総会(横浜)泉川公一,河野 茂:臨床現場の抗菌薬用法・用量設定にPK-PD理論はオールマイティか?〜呼吸器感染症を治療する立場から〜
- 第53回日本呼吸器学会学術講演会(東京)泉川公一,河野 茂:呼吸器真菌症の病態生理と免疫応答
- 第53回日本呼吸器学会学術講演会(東京)泉川公一,河野 茂:呼吸器感染症におけるキノロン系薬の適正使用
- 第87回日本感染症学会学術講演会・第61回日本化学療法学会総会(横浜)泉川公一,宮崎泰可,河野茂:カンジダ症に対する新しい治療戦略
- 第57回日本医真菌学会総会(東京)泉川公一,河野 茂:薬剤耐性アスペルギルスと臨床的問題
- 第61回日本化学療法学会西日本支部総会,第56回日本感染症学会中日本地方会学術集会,
- 第83回日本感染症学会西日本地方会学術集会(大阪)泉川公一,河野 茂:院内感染で問題となる微生物の感染制御 〜グラム陰性桿菌〜
- 第57回日本医真菌学会総会・学術総会(東京)宮崎泰可:カンジダの小胞体ストレス応答と病原性
- 第57回日本医真菌学会総会・学術総会(東京)宮崎泰可:「カンジダ vs. 抗真菌薬」
- 第57回日本医真菌学会総会・学術総会(東京)宮崎泰可:カンジダ血症
- 第57回日本医真菌学会総会・学術総会(東京)宮崎泰可:深在性真菌症の今後の治療戦略
- 第87回日本感染症学会学術講演会・第61回日本化学療法学会総会(横浜)宮崎泰可:深在性真菌症の今後の治療戦略
- 第71回日本呼吸器学会・日本結核病学会 九州支部秋季学術講演会(福岡)宮崎泰可:COPDの安定期,増悪期,肺炎合併時の抗菌薬治療について
- 第62回日本感染症学会東日本地方会学術集会・第60回日本化学療法学会東日本支部総会(東京)宮崎泰可:深在性真菌症治療における各種抗菌薬の位置づけを考える〜日頃の疑問に答える〜内科臨床医の立場より
- 第62回日本感染症学会東日本地方会学術集会/第60回日本化学療法学会東日本支部総会合同学会 教育セミナー(東京)中村茂樹:MRSA肺炎を考える—MRSA肺炎治療の経費対効果